This page will introduce you to the different opportunities to study Economics in Scotland. It is structured into three sections:

  • Undergraduate study
  • Postgraduate taught study
  • Postgraduate research study

An Economics degree is usually one of the following:

MA (Master of Arts): An undergraduate degree in humanities or social sciences (including Economics) at one of six Scottish universities: University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, University of Glasgow, University of St. Andrews, University of Dundee, and University of Aberdeen.

BA (Bachelor of Arts): An undergraduate degree in humanities or social sciences (including economics) at any other Scottish university.

BSc (Bachelor of Science): An undergraduate degree in a Science subject. For Economics, this usually means a slightly more quantitative approach, for example when Economics is studied together with another Science subject.

MSc (Master of Science): A postgraduate taught degree at Scottish universities. Almost all postgraduate taught degrees in Economics are MSc’s in Scotland.

MRes (Master of Research): Generally, a more research-focused postgraduate degree. However, the only MRes Economics in Scotland at the University of Glasgow also includes a significant taught component.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy): A postgraduate research degree covering at least three, often four years. During this time PhD students often also are involved in teaching activities, for example as tutors for undergraduate classes.

Universities can change the degrees that they offer so always check the university website.

Undergraduate study

There are 8 universities in Scotland which offer an undergraduate degree in Economics -

University of Edinburgh

Student societies: The Economics Society is one of the largest student societies at the university. The Edinburgh University Trading and Investment Club (EUTIC) manages one of the UK’s largest student-run investment portfolios. Economics for Change aims to push economics to better serve a rapidly changing world. For an up to date list of all societies, check out the website of the Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA).

Heriot Watt University

Student societies: Relevant societies include the Economics Society and the Investment Society. For an up to date list of all societies, check out the Heriot-Watt University Student Union page.

University of Glasgow

Student Societies: The Adam Smith Economics Society is one of the largest and oldest at the university. Other relevant societies include the Glasgow University Trading and Investment Club (GUTIC) and the Real World Economics Society (GURWES). For an up to date list of all societies, check out the Glasgow University SRC Clubs page.

University of Strathclyde

Student Societies: Relevant societies include Strath ECON, the Consulting Society, and the Trading and Portfolio Management Society. For an up to date list of societies, check out the Strathclyde Students’ Union page.

University of St Andrews

Student societies: Relevant Societies include the St Andrews Economics Society, the University of St Andrews Investment Society, and the Consulting Society St Andrews (CSSA). For an up to date list of all societies, check out the University of St Andrews Students’ Association page.

University of Dundee

Student Societies: Relevant societies include the University of Dundee School of Business Society, the University of Dundee Consulting Society and the University of Dundee Investment Society. For an up to date list of all societies, check out the Dundee University Students’ Association page.

University of Aberdeen

Student Societies: The Economics and Business Society is one of the largest and most active societies at the university. Other relevant societies include the Aberdeen University Consulting Group (AUCG) and Aberdeen University Trading and Investment Club (AUTIC). For an up to date list of all student societies, check out the Aberdeen University Students’ Association page.

University of Stirling

Student Societies: Relevant societies include the Stirling University Economics Society and the Student Managed Investment Fund. For an up to date list of all societies, check out the University of Stirling Student’s Union page.

Other economics undergraduate opportunities

Besides these 8 universities, the Open University offers a BA (Honours) Economics, BA (Honours) Economics and Mathematical Sciences, and BA (Honours) Politics, Philosophy and Economics through complete distance-learning. Furthermore, at the University of the Highlands and Islands economics is part of the BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics.


Taught Postgraduate Study

Taught postgraduate degrees in economics are offered by the same 8 Scottish universities that offer undergraduate degrees in economics.

For those with an undergraduate degree including law, an LLM in International Economic Law is offered by the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow. Additionally, Glasgow Caledonian University offers an MSc International Economic and Social Justice.

Postgraduate degrees allow for more in-depth study of a subject area, and many programmes on offer focus on a specific sub-field of economics.

Moreover, the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics offers three masters programmes as a collaboration between all 8 universities.


Postgraduate Study – Research (PhD)

A PhD in Economics is offered by each of the 8 universities also offering an MSc.

Additionally, Robert Gordon University and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) each offer a PhD in a specific sub-section of Economics. There is also the option to complete a PhD by distance learning at the Open University.